
300 words 2 minutes

Delegate the purchasing decision within your organization and maintain a complete overview over your funds. Always stay in control and within budget. Control Issuefabs unique product allows you to delegate the actual purchasing to the users of the product without risk of frivolous spending. This is done by putting limits on how the delegated money can be spent. The one delegating the money can set those limits. The limits can be as broad as to allow anything from one or two industry and as narrow as to only allow a single purchase at a specific company.


200 words 1 minutes

At the end of the month, the accounting situation in many companies are more or less the same. The finance department can be seen searching high and low for missing receipts, and those responsible for the purchases are nowhere to be seen.

Peace of Mind

200 words 1 minutes

Virtual cards allow you to delegate money to different categories within your budget. Without compromise!


200 words 1 minutes


Save time managing every purchase in your organization. Delegate decisions to those who will actually use the tool.